Welcome to the website of Richard Lynch which explores the world of Global Strategy mainly from a business perspective.  A comprehensive and authoritative collection of materials from the author of one of the world’s leading strategy textbooks – Strategic Management. If you are looking to learn more you’ll find all you need here.

Global Strategy is not just about multinationals launching brands worldwide. Global strategy covers the International Strategies of small and medium-sized companies as they move outside their home countries. 

"As in previous editions, Strategic Management provides a comprehensive framework for designing and delivering strategy, written in an engaging, contemporary style. In the 10th edition, the authors provide an array of new cases and embrace topical themes including sustainability strategy, digital transformation, and deglobalisation. This is a must read text for any introductory course on strategic management."

Professor Thomas C. Lawton

Professor of Strategy and International Business, University College Cork Editor-in-Chief, Long Range Planning

"For almost two decades, Lynch's "Strategic Management" series has been at the forefront of transforming the teaching of strategy. With each edition building upon its predecessor, the 10th edition continues this success story with a fresh perspective and updated content. This is not just a textbook; it is an indispensable resource for anyone seeking to understand the intricacies of strategic decision-making."

Professor Nicholas O'Regan

Aston Business School, UK, Co-Editor Journal of Strategy and Management;

Dr Inge Hill

"The new ninth edition builds on the strengths and structured presentation of the earlier editions... The companion site and the detailed slides remain an added value allowing to easily adapt the book content for lectures or seminars. MBA students particularly value the discussion of strategy implementation. "

Dr Inge Hill

Senior Lecturer Business Strategy, Associate Head Research, Enterprise Engagement and Knowledge Exchange for the School of Business and Entrepreneurship

Strategic Management, Professor Richard Lynch

Strategic Management,
Tenth Edition

The 10th edition of Strategic Management offers comprehensive coverage of all the core areas of business strategy with a strong global perspective.

Taking a truly international approach, Strategic Management offers you comprehensive coverage of all the core areas of Business Strategy in a reader-friendly way. Thoroughly updated and with the addition of four brand-new authors, the tenth edition features:

• Balanced treatment of prescriptive and emergent models of strategic management.
• Application of strategic theory to key areas such as technology and innovation, sustainability, entrepreneurial and public sector strategy.
• Cutting-edge content on navigating change in the strategic environment, digital transformation strategies and the role of strategic groups.
• 15 brand new case studies showcasing real-life examples from recognisable brands such as Coca-Cola, Airbnb, Apple, Tesla, Toyota, Alibaba, Samsung, Starbucks and UK banks, plus updated case material throughout. 
• A range of practical tools to support your learning, including summaries of key strategic principles, strategic project ideas, critical reflections, questions and further reading.

Suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate study.

Strategic Management Richard Lynch









Strategic Management

Global Strategy